I was blessed this year with some winter sun and an extended Christmas break. We went to Tenerife for the first time in December 2019 to celebrate my 40th birthday. Little did we know how much the world would change in 2020 and that it would be 3 years until we were to have another holiday abroad.
The last few years have been both challenging and rewarding. As I have fought hard to keep my small business afloat, I have never felt so clear on why I do what I do and my love for teaching and sharing yoga. Taking things away it seems is a great way to help you realise just how important they are. Community and connecting with others, finding time for self care and activities that enhance your health and wellbeing are all things I value greatly. I am blessed to be able to share yoga in the city of Liverpool and now with the expansion of my online offerings, worldwide.
When we went to Tenerife the first time, we cycled up Tiede – a volcano on the island. As some of you may know I have a strange passion for cycling up hills. Indeed I used to race up them in hill climb time trials, I know it’s a little niche. This hill however was unlike anything you will find in the UK as it is a lot longer and higher. The gradient is consistently uphill which means you are consistently cycling uphill for hours, it takes me about 4 hours to get to the top. Even cycling down takes me about 2 hours and presents its own challenges.
Back in 2019 this was challenging adventure in the middle of a lovely holiday exploring the island by bike. I made it to the top and felt accomplished and proud of my perseverance. As we planned our return this year we planned to go up this hill again. The difference was I was less fit. Sure I have kept cycling throughout the last few years but longer working hours and coming back from my own illnesses have made this a challenge. But I trained and over the winter I built up my endurance on my indoor trainer as I hid from the British winter.

When I got to Tenerife and started cycling, I was so grateful for that training. Small but consistent steps I had put in as it meant I could enjoy riding in the Spanish sun.
When the day arrived for me to set off up the volcano though I was scared. I was not sure if I could do it and I was afraid to fail. Eventually I set off. As I rode my doubts continued, I told myself it didn’t matter if I reached the top, that just being here was enough, that I could just go up as much as I felt like. I thought about the challenges I had faced, had overcome and I told myself that it was amazing that I was there at all. Of course this true, the top of the climb is just an arbitrary target, being active, enjoying the outdoors these things are so much more important.

Yet I continued to climb up and up and up and up, did I mention that it kept going up? I let go of the target of reaching the top and yet I kept going up and up and up, there’s a lot of time to think when you cycle uphill for 4 hours. Eventually when I had let go of the goal completely I realised I could do it. With renewed faith I cycled on. As I reached the top I felt so happy that tears came to my eyes, this felt like such a moment.
I remembered the amazing views at the top from 2019 as I cycled through them, I remembered the challenges I had faced and yet here I was cycling to the top of a volcano. I am so incredibly grateful for the opportunity and for my body and mind’s willingness to persevere with my crazy adventure. So much has happened in the last few years and for some reason reaching the top of that hill was so incredibly healing for me. Yes all that happened and here you are still cycling to the top of seemingly impossible hills.
What lessons did I learn that I take with me into 2023. I can do more than I think, keep going… Find joy in the little things. Small steps add up to help you climb mountains….
Happy new year! I hope you get to the top of whatever mountain you are on and when you get there, remember to enjoy the views.