It has always been important to me to build community in my yoga classes. When I first moved to Liverpool 10 years ago, yoga classes were one of the first things I sought out.
When I first started coming to yoga classes in LiverpoolI found instant connection and like-minded people. So as well as the classes I felt I had also found my clan. When you practice yoga with the same people each week you feel a level of connection with them even if you haven’t spoken to them.
Yet yoga classes don’t really offer that much time to socialize. You get to chat at the beginning and end where you can chat and meet your neighbor or just lie down if you’re feeling like some quiet time. It’s a nice inclusive environment but as it’s a very internal activity you don’t really socialize that much in class.
Last week we had our yoga social at the egg café, it was great to see so many of you make the effort and a great night was had by all. I have been doing this now for 7 years or so and I am pleased to see how you as a community have embraced it.
Not only have I found that everyone who comes strengthens or creates friendships with others from class, I have also found this usually continues beyond the yoga social itself. People are more chatty at the start of class now they know more people and people start to meet up and help each other out, moving house etc. This is community and as much as I would like to I can not create that, you do. So if you see someone looking shy introduce yourself, we have all had our first class once and it really helps if you know someone. Or if you are new don’t be afraid to start to chat to your neighbor, they might just be your new best friend.
Have you ever been to a yoga social? Share your experiences with our community…..